(Started Friday)
That is my question to Ezekiel these days!
Before I get into that I have to preface this blog with and explanation of the title of the blog. A while back, probably 5-6 years ago when I was living with Darek and Steph one day Steph came home with this book (I can't remember where she got it from now) and the title is "How did you grow so big so soon?". We kind of joked about her getting it as they were obviously kid free at the time. Then after that we would randomly (as there are a lot of random things said in my family, mostly by Darek) say "How did you grow so big so soon?". Then when they got Hunny, Darek would say that to her all the time too. Then we kind of let it go and it has been a few years since I had heard that line, until just a week or two ago I was commenting on how fast Zeke was growing and how big he was getting. And then Darek says it..."Zeker, how did you grow so big so soon?". Finally its being used in the right context! We will have to read the book to Ezekiel and Tobiah as they continue to "grow so big so soon"! lol!
Zeke & Tobes |
But I find myself looking at him in amazement, just wondering how it is that he can be growing so fast! As I have talked about, he def still has the most pinchable cheeks, but he is also getting SO long! I notice this the most when Mike is burping him, he is the length of Mike's torso, and also when I am feeding him, his feet are almost hanging off of the boppy pillow! So crazy! Also he is already fitting comfortably into 6 month clothes! Just incase you forgot, he is 11 weeks! But he is totally taking after his dad and mom tho, because both Mike and I were chubos when we were his age!
He is continuing to smile a ton! He is such a joyful baby! It's so fun! He is talking a lot, and it is so fun to "conversate" with him! He is continuing to observe things, I can tell that he is a little sponge and is taking it all in. He loves to watch the Vikings games! That's what he has been doing while I am writing this, just chilling out in his bouncer talking to me and watch the game! He is enjoying his swing now finally, so that has been fun to start to use! Last night we took him for his first walk with the jogging stroller without using his carseat. He maybe a bit young for that, but he doesn't like to be in his carseat on walks because he can't see anything (as I mentioned he is quite the observer)! So I thought we would give it a try just going into the stroller itself and he totally loved it! He could see everything! So we will continue to do that for sure! He also loves looking at his curtians, I know I mentioned that before, but it is just so funny how they captivate him! So a big thanks again to Auntie Steppy for making them!
How could you not love to look at these curtians? |
Another fun thing we like to do is pull up VeggieTales or another kids video on Netflix on my phone and cuddle on the couch and watch it together. Gotta love technology!
Excuse the bed head, we had just woken up for the day! |
(Continued Sunday) Its crazy how time flies! As you can see is started this blog on Friday and am just getting back to it now! Granted we had a bunch of stuff going on over the weekend but between his cluster feedings, staying awake more now, and trying to get everything else done in between, its tough to get the little things done! I am trying to remember to keep blogging a priority as we want to keep our family and friends up on the happenings of our family and also I want to have all the little things documented for us to look back on as he grows up! Also, now I have no idea where I was going with this blog! So with that...Have a wonderful Labor Day! And I will try to knock out another blog here sooner than later!
P.S. I am loving him in these legwarmers!