Profile view of our little one |
BABY!!!!!!!! But not just any normal baby, we are having a super and beyond perfectly healthy baby! The ultrasound tech said that everything is measuring perfect and I am actually measuring exactly to the day of how far along we thought I was. Which she said rarely happens! Our little miracle has 2 arms, 2 legs, 10 fingers, 10 toes, perfectly working lungs, kidneys, bladder, and brain. Everything is where it is supposed to be, no cleft pallet, and no club feet (I had no idea that they checked for that)! Our little one was quite the squirmier and gave the tech a bit of a run for her money, but she was able to see everything that she needed to. Did I miss anything...OH YEAH...

Our little one is a BOY! We are SO excited! We both had a hunch that it was a boy (we actually have bought a few neutral outfits and boy outfits but nothing girl) but we would of been excited either way of course! Though Mike was beyond excited to find out that we get to have the heir to the Bemis throne and officially carry on the Bemis name! Mike was excited to "pass" that info onto his brothers and his dad.
Afterward, I called my mom and she was excited (and would of been either way) but she said that she thought it was going to be a boy as well. Next I called my dad and told him to start buying baseball stuff, which of course makes him excited! The thought of another boy to teach to throw a baseball and take Twins games will make him excited (don't worry the Vikings games and football lessons will be taken care of by Mike)! Later we shared the ultrasound pics with my brother and sister in law and they were excited to be having a nephew!
Our little one's feet! |
It's amazing how he is already making footprints in our life and on our hearts! As today was our first ultrasound and first look at our little guy it made it so much more real that we are going to have a baby in a short 20 weeks! For us it was beyond amazing to see everything come together exactly the way it is supposed to and the way God designed it! We have been praying everyday for this little guy and know that he is created in the image of God so he will be super healthy and so it was a great confirmation today to hear the ultrasound tech continue to say that everything was perfect with him! With that we, of course, give God all the honor, glory, and praise for our little guy and his perfect health! Thanks so much for celebrating our little guy with us and loving him and praying for us all!
I had a hunch it was a boy too :). YAY!