Reward if found!
Oh my goodness! I have always heard of prego brain, but part of me didn't really think it was true or all that bad. Boy was I wrong! I have always been one to have a really great memory, to the point it drove Mike crazy because I could remember every word to a conversation, situation, or "discussion" ;-), where we were, what time it was, what we were wearing. Also I was a crazy multi-tasker because I could come right back to wear I left off on many projects without skipping a beat.
This has all changed! And I think Mike is really enjoying is and relishing in every moment of my forgetfulness. He proudly reminds me of different things that I have forgotten and picks on me a bit about it too! It's quite the change of pace for me and quite humbling at the same time! Good thing I can laugh at myself, otherwise it could get quite frustrating, which is does from time to time when I am at work. My job requires me to be the ultimate multi-tasker, I think that is why I enjoy it so much as it is perfect for me. Well my forgetfulness as also crossed over into this area and though I still do a pretty darn good job (if I do say so myself *pat on the back*), I have def noticed a difference and like I said do my best not to get frustrated with myself. I am finally learning to just write myself little notes to make sure I remember to do things if it isn't something that I can do at the time.
The doc I work for said he hasn't noticed a difference (thank goodness) and I am truly blessed that he is a father to 4 kidos so he has obviously gone through the prego process multiple times with his wife and has an understanding of what I am going through (I guess the closest he can with out actually carrying and birthing the babies himself), so he is very accommodating and understanding which is so great!
So wanna know some funny things that my memory has failed me on? This last Friday I got to work and realized that I had put on my black dress shoes, but I was wearing brown pants and socks! I never do that! So yeah needless to say I was looking trendy! Then yesterday I pulled into the parking lot at work and realize that I forgot to pack my dress shoes (I wear my Ugg boots to work because our parking lot is usually pretty slippery and I don't want to take a dig). So I sat there for a minute and was like "what am I going to do?" because I was like 2 minutes early for work and we were going to have patients showing up in like 10 minutes and I am the first one there and it takes me 7 min to get to work so it would be a 14 min and that's if no slow people got in front of me. Well I really didn't have a choice because I couldn't wear my Ugg boots and I couldn't go sock footed, so I headed home. I just shook my head and laughed at myself! Then its little things like packing my gym stuff in the morning and having a convo with Mike about going to the gym after work to then forget my gym bag at home. Or forgetting to pack a lunch for work. Or to call or text people back (so if I've done that to you, don't take it personally, just text or call again)!
So if you find me out wondering around somewhere send me in the direction of my house! Maybe I should wear Jaxon dog collar for these last few months or get micro-chipped too or something! LOL!
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Midwife Appt Update
Sorry that I have been a slacker here! There are so many different things that I want to blog about but life has just hit overdrive in the past week or so! It always seems like Spring time brings a ton of events and this year is no exception and we are adding to the normal mix preparing for our little one! Hopefully this week I will be able to do a few posts, but for now I will just do a quick update and catch yall up on my most recent midwife appt.
So I had my 28ish week appt last Tuesday, which also happened to be my test for gestational diabetes. Fun! I was kind of questioning if I had a choice or not on having the test done as I consider myself to be a pretty healthy person and also because I didn't fall into any of the categories that make you high risk. Those categories being: gaining a lot of weight in you first trimester (I did not and actually lost 5), if you have high blood pressure (have always had low blood pressure), being overweight before getting pregnant (my BMI was considered normal), if you have sugar in your urine (I never have), if there is a history of gestational diabetes in the family (my mom never had it with my brother or I), if you are over the age of 35 (which I am not), if you do not exercise (which I do), and if you fall into the ethnic groups that are considered high risk (which I do not). But I figured I would just do it to be safe and because I have heard of people that would probably consider themselves in the same category as myself that end up having it.
So at my 24 week visit they gave me a choice between 3 different flavors of gross sugary juices, I chose the fruit punch flavor. I followed all my directions and drank it an hour before my appt and arrived on time so they could do my finger prick exactly an hour after I finished it. Funny thing about the finger prick, I held out my right pointer finger for her to prick it and she said, "oh we use the middle finger because its the finger that is used less so it doesn't bother you as much" and she grabbed my middle finger and stuck it before I could say anything. Well the thing is (call me weird) I actually use my middle finger the most rather than my pointer finger. Not sure why, but its what I have always been. Ask my mom, she said she tried to teach me to use my pointer instead when I was little and I would still use my middle finger. So then in the words of Elf, "my finger had a heart beat!" And obviously it wasn't that big of a deal and I just had to laugh!
So my midwife also said that I am officially in my 3rd trimester! Wooo hooo! Which means now I get to visit her every 2 weeks now rather than every four weeks. She listened to our little guy's heart beat and it was at 150, which she said is good and she also said that his heart beat has been 150 every time they have recorded it except for the very first time. So I take that as our little guy has a good, strong, consistent, healthy, perfect heart! She also measured me this time and she said for how many weeks I am I should measure that many centimeters and I was exactly on! I find that amazing, it's so cool the see all the ways that God works, even down to the littlest things! They also checked my iron levels when they did the finger prick and said that they were great, also she said my weight is right on, my blood pressure is good, and my exercise regimen is beyond great! So I'd say we are good! :-)
So happy and blessed to be having a happy healthy baby!
So I had my 28ish week appt last Tuesday, which also happened to be my test for gestational diabetes. Fun! I was kind of questioning if I had a choice or not on having the test done as I consider myself to be a pretty healthy person and also because I didn't fall into any of the categories that make you high risk. Those categories being: gaining a lot of weight in you first trimester (I did not and actually lost 5), if you have high blood pressure (have always had low blood pressure), being overweight before getting pregnant (my BMI was considered normal), if you have sugar in your urine (I never have), if there is a history of gestational diabetes in the family (my mom never had it with my brother or I), if you are over the age of 35 (which I am not), if you do not exercise (which I do), and if you fall into the ethnic groups that are considered high risk (which I do not). But I figured I would just do it to be safe and because I have heard of people that would probably consider themselves in the same category as myself that end up having it.
So at my 24 week visit they gave me a choice between 3 different flavors of gross sugary juices, I chose the fruit punch flavor. I followed all my directions and drank it an hour before my appt and arrived on time so they could do my finger prick exactly an hour after I finished it. Funny thing about the finger prick, I held out my right pointer finger for her to prick it and she said, "oh we use the middle finger because its the finger that is used less so it doesn't bother you as much" and she grabbed my middle finger and stuck it before I could say anything. Well the thing is (call me weird) I actually use my middle finger the most rather than my pointer finger. Not sure why, but its what I have always been. Ask my mom, she said she tried to teach me to use my pointer instead when I was little and I would still use my middle finger. So then in the words of Elf, "my finger had a heart beat!" And obviously it wasn't that big of a deal and I just had to laugh!
So my midwife also said that I am officially in my 3rd trimester! Wooo hooo! Which means now I get to visit her every 2 weeks now rather than every four weeks. She listened to our little guy's heart beat and it was at 150, which she said is good and she also said that his heart beat has been 150 every time they have recorded it except for the very first time. So I take that as our little guy has a good, strong, consistent, healthy, perfect heart! She also measured me this time and she said for how many weeks I am I should measure that many centimeters and I was exactly on! I find that amazing, it's so cool the see all the ways that God works, even down to the littlest things! They also checked my iron levels when they did the finger prick and said that they were great, also she said my weight is right on, my blood pressure is good, and my exercise regimen is beyond great! So I'd say we are good! :-)
So happy and blessed to be having a happy healthy baby!
Monday, March 21, 2011
So lets all take a moment to remember this post...
Alright, now that we have recalled my obsession with Magnolia Bakery's Banana Cream Pudding I would like to share these photos with you that I took MYSELF, LAST NIGHT...
So you may be curious as to how these pictures took place...well like I said....BEST DAY EVER!!!!!
So my previous blog post started some chatter amongst my family (reminiscing about how good it was) and my friends (inquiring what this banana pudding was all about) and then we realized that one of our friends (Christine) is from NY and was traveling back there this last week for spring break a long with her boyfriend and our friend (Cole)! So, Steph set the plans in place, which included an e-mail to Christine with all the details of obtaining the ever wonderful banana pudding!
I was 'Oh So' hopeful that the plans would work out, but at the same time didn't really expect them to go out of their way to get it. But as you can see they have officially won coolest people of the year award because they totally went out of their way to bring some back for us! And it tasted just as I had remembered! It literally brought the biggest smile to my face, one that I am sure started way down in my stomach! I apologize as I do not have an extensive enough vocabulary to describe just how yummy it was, how much it hit the spot, and how happy it made me but I do have a few photos and since they say a picture is worth a thousand words that should do it justice! Here are a few of the joyful moments!
And yes I did share!
Alright, now that we have recalled my obsession with Magnolia Bakery's Banana Cream Pudding I would like to share these photos with you that I took MYSELF, LAST NIGHT...
So you may be curious as to how these pictures took place...well like I said....BEST DAY EVER!!!!!
So my previous blog post started some chatter amongst my family (reminiscing about how good it was) and my friends (inquiring what this banana pudding was all about) and then we realized that one of our friends (Christine) is from NY and was traveling back there this last week for spring break a long with her boyfriend and our friend (Cole)! So, Steph set the plans in place, which included an e-mail to Christine with all the details of obtaining the ever wonderful banana pudding!
I was 'Oh So' hopeful that the plans would work out, but at the same time didn't really expect them to go out of their way to get it. But as you can see they have officially won coolest people of the year award because they totally went out of their way to bring some back for us! And it tasted just as I had remembered! It literally brought the biggest smile to my face, one that I am sure started way down in my stomach! I apologize as I do not have an extensive enough vocabulary to describe just how yummy it was, how much it hit the spot, and how happy it made me but I do have a few photos and since they say a picture is worth a thousand words that should do it justice! Here are a few of the joyful moments!
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First bite! |
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Mmmmmmmmmm!!! |
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Licking the lips clean! |
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SO happy! |
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Savoring each moment! |
And then it quickly became a very sad day...
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:-( |
It's ok, it was SO wonderful while it lasted! Thanks again Cole & Christine! You guys rock!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
27 weeks down - 13ish to go!
I am (as of tomorrow) into my 27th week of prego-ness! Which means only 13ish weeks to go! I wonder if these last 13 weeks will fly by like the very first 13 weeks did. It's crazy to think back to that point, so much has changed since then! Thank God! At that point my weight was going in the wrong direction as was my food most of the time (sorry for the visual), only a handful of people knew of our little bundle of joy, I was still able to get a pretty solid nights rest, I could feel him move a little and it was just like tiny butterfly flutters, and the snow was starting to fall by the truck loads! Now my weight is probably going too far in the right direction :-p along with my consumption of food, we know we are having boy and are celebrating that with everyone, I don't sleep much between the hours of 4 am & 7 am, I am feeling major movements from kicks to entire flips and Mike has gotten to feel him move a lot too, and best of all (at least for today) the snow is melting away by the inches! Yay! I am sitting here at work :-) with the window open enjoying the fresh air! I love it! I am so ready for sandals, dresses, taking Jaxon for long walks outside, having the window open while we sleep...ahhh so wonderful! I love spring!
While at work yesterday I noticed that I was wearing "the" belly pic sotra outfit, so I figured why not keep going with it and take another one just like the others! So here it is, with the same apologies as always!
That belly there is certainly getting out there! I find that I can no longer squeeze past people in tight places and also trying to get out of bed has proven to be quite the task! Lol! Between getting untangled from the covers, past all my pillows, try not to disrupt Mike, and not smoosh Jaxon it is quite the ordeal!
The weekly e-mails that I get say that "Ducky" or "baby that wishes to remain nameless" is about 2 pounds now or the size of a small pot roast! So the next time you are cooking a pot roast you can think of our baby! :-D And I now have to go, I think this little guy is practicing his punts on my bladder! :-)
While at work yesterday I noticed that I was wearing "the" belly pic sotra outfit, so I figured why not keep going with it and take another one just like the others! So here it is, with the same apologies as always!
That belly there is certainly getting out there! I find that I can no longer squeeze past people in tight places and also trying to get out of bed has proven to be quite the task! Lol! Between getting untangled from the covers, past all my pillows, try not to disrupt Mike, and not smoosh Jaxon it is quite the ordeal!
The weekly e-mails that I get say that "Ducky" or "baby that wishes to remain nameless" is about 2 pounds now or the size of a small pot roast! So the next time you are cooking a pot roast you can think of our baby! :-D And I now have to go, I think this little guy is practicing his punts on my bladder! :-)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Chipotle: Where everybody knows your name...
At least mine anyways!
So this post is entirely dedicated to the wonderful foods that I have been craving and devouring! And as you may of guessed one of them would be Chipotle burritos! More specifically a chicken, fajita burrito, with less rice and extra veggies, green chile salsa, and a little cheese! :-) Yum yum!
This has pretty much been a staple food in my diet since early on in my pregnancy (feels weird to be able to say "early on in my pregnancy"!) as this was pretty much the only thing that I sounded good and stayed down! It was a lot of work for me to eat anything and so this was a grand slam for me because it has so many calories in it and it's a balanced meal, kinda, at least a little bit! So early on, no joke I was in our Chipotle like 5 times a week! I pretty much own stock in them by now and seriously everyone there knows who I am! They noticed when I got a hair cut, alway ask how the baby's doing, and worry about me when it's been a while since I have been in (as now I only frequent there about once a week)! They even have been treating me to free burritos for being such a loyal customer! I am about as loyal as you can get, so I am sure they are all about keeping the prego girl happy!
Other things I have been eating a lot of is macaroni and cheese and totinos pizza(yes, the $1 party pizzas)! I know quite the healthy diet! I always thought that I would be a stickler when I was pregnant and eat super good and get everything in that the baby needs, all healthy and organic and all that good stuff! And that ended up not so much being the case! I do get my fruits and veggies (I struggle a bit with the veggies tho), but I know I don't get nearly enough protein, but it rarely looks appetizing! I just try not to beat myself up about it too much and remind myself that there are people that put much worse things into their bodies when they are pregnant and their babies come out perfectly healthy!
Before a month ago I really didn't want anything to do with any dessert! But that is not the case so much anymore, as lately I have definitely been wanting my dessert after dinner, or before! I do my best not allow myself to overindulge, but sometimes those girl scout cookies just need to be eaten! And especially in the last weeks, I feel like I am never full and I could eat everything in the house!
The one thing that I have been craving the most that I haven't been able to fulfill is banana cream pudding! But not just any old banana cream pudding, Magnolia Bakery Banana Cream Pudding!
So this post is entirely dedicated to the wonderful foods that I have been craving and devouring! And as you may of guessed one of them would be Chipotle burritos! More specifically a chicken, fajita burrito, with less rice and extra veggies, green chile salsa, and a little cheese! :-) Yum yum!
This has pretty much been a staple food in my diet since early on in my pregnancy (feels weird to be able to say "early on in my pregnancy"!) as this was pretty much the only thing that I sounded good and stayed down! It was a lot of work for me to eat anything and so this was a grand slam for me because it has so many calories in it and it's a balanced meal, kinda, at least a little bit! So early on, no joke I was in our Chipotle like 5 times a week! I pretty much own stock in them by now and seriously everyone there knows who I am! They noticed when I got a hair cut, alway ask how the baby's doing, and worry about me when it's been a while since I have been in (as now I only frequent there about once a week)! They even have been treating me to free burritos for being such a loyal customer! I am about as loyal as you can get, so I am sure they are all about keeping the prego girl happy!
Other things I have been eating a lot of is macaroni and cheese and totinos pizza(yes, the $1 party pizzas)! I know quite the healthy diet! I always thought that I would be a stickler when I was pregnant and eat super good and get everything in that the baby needs, all healthy and organic and all that good stuff! And that ended up not so much being the case! I do get my fruits and veggies (I struggle a bit with the veggies tho), but I know I don't get nearly enough protein, but it rarely looks appetizing! I just try not to beat myself up about it too much and remind myself that there are people that put much worse things into their bodies when they are pregnant and their babies come out perfectly healthy!
Before a month ago I really didn't want anything to do with any dessert! But that is not the case so much anymore, as lately I have definitely been wanting my dessert after dinner, or before! I do my best not allow myself to overindulge, but sometimes those girl scout cookies just need to be eaten! And especially in the last weeks, I feel like I am never full and I could eat everything in the house!
The one thing that I have been craving the most that I haven't been able to fulfill is banana cream pudding! But not just any old banana cream pudding, Magnolia Bakery Banana Cream Pudding!
There is a small problem tho, Magnolia Bakery only has locations in New York, Los Angeles, and Dubai! Convenient huh? And at this time they do not deliver/ship nationwide (I mean really, it's not that far of a drive!), tho it says on their website that they are going to start shipping nationwide soon I am hoping that "soon" will be before June 17th! Otherwise I have a found a recipe online for it that I could settle for, but all the reviews say its not as good as the real thing, so I have hesitated making it. I would like to think after almost a year I wouldn't really know the difference, but I also don't want to be disappointed! There is nothing worse (at this point in my life) than having a super craving and then being disappointed with the end product! So if anyone is traveling through, to, or from LA, NYC, or Dubai, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, bring me back some Magnolia Bakery Banana Creme Pudding, I know you don't wanna see a pregnant lady beg! :-P
I will leave you with our collection of banana creme moments! (Yes, that's plural!)
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Mike enjoy said banana pudding on our very first visit to the bakery! |
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Here are Mike & I getting our 2nd round of Magnolia while we were in NYC last year! |
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This was our 3rd trip! We had an excuse, it was Steph's birthday! We had to go! |
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See! :-) |
And if you are wondering, we went a total of 4 times in a 6 day trip! I told you, its good stuff! :-P
Thursday, March 3, 2011
2 1/2 Weeks Later...And we have a Ducky!
It's been about 2 1/2 weeks since my last belly pic and we still stink at remembering to take them! So here I am with another self work...with my camera phone! So I apologize for the lame pic and poor quality, but I think it gets the point across! I have to laugh because the pic looks the same as my other one except with just a bigger belly and chubbier face! But I am actually wearing different pants and a different shirt too, apparently I need to expand my work wardrobe! LOL!
That lil guy in there has been affectionately named Ducky by his Aunty Steppy! The other night we were discussing baby names with Darek and Steph (my brother and sister-in-law), or I should say our lack (still) of baby names and my wonderful husband randomly asks if the Land Before Time movie is available in the Netflix instant queue. And then he went on for like 5 minutes about how much he used to love that movie and how many times he watched it, so then Steph decided that our lil guy's name should be Ducky! Yep, yep, yep! :-)
So now Ducky is approx. a foot long and weighs about 1.5 pounds! And he definitely is letting me know that he is growing as his movements and kicks keep getting more distinct. I just keep thinking he can't be running out of room in there yet, he has so much more growing to do! It does feel like it sometimes tho and it feels like he is officially taking over my torso area! In the last week I have found that if my posture gets away from me it gets a little tricky to breathe, so I am sure to correct that real fast as it is not very comfortable! I hear that only gets more "interesting" as the next couple month continue! Oh the joys! :-)
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25 weeks tomorrow |
So now Ducky is approx. a foot long and weighs about 1.5 pounds! And he definitely is letting me know that he is growing as his movements and kicks keep getting more distinct. I just keep thinking he can't be running out of room in there yet, he has so much more growing to do! It does feel like it sometimes tho and it feels like he is officially taking over my torso area! In the last week I have found that if my posture gets away from me it gets a little tricky to breathe, so I am sure to correct that real fast as it is not very comfortable! I hear that only gets more "interesting" as the next couple month continue! Oh the joys! :-)
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