the most handsome, adorable, smart, strong, perfect (in my opinion) little boy in the whole world made his grand entrance into this world! I can't believe it's already been a month, I feel like we were just in our hospital room holding him for the first time! Though it feels like so long ago that I was pregnant!
One month ago today! |
One month old! |
The last month has been fun, exciting, joyful, tiring, emotional, plus a million more emotions (at least for me)! I know I have said this a million times but Ezekiel has been such an awesome baby, so thankfully most of our time over the last month have been the positive emotions! I know we will have our moments going forward but up until this point we have really been eased into this whole parenting gig!
So over the past month Zeke has really grown and changed, it's crazy how much babies develop in such short amounts of time! He has been eating and sleeping like a rockstar, we have had many nights that he has slept through the night, the nights that he does wake up its just once around 3 or 4 am.
Passed out in mommies arms! |
Outside of eating, sleeping and pooing (which is also a rockstar at, his toots can be heard from the other room, better out than in!), he is starting to do a lot of other things. As I posted in our last blog, he is rolling from his stomach to his back already! I thought maybe it was a fluke, but he keeps on doing it! Which makes it hard to do tummy time when he keeps rolling to his back! Speaking of tummy time, he is also doing so good with that! He is so strong and can lift his head really well, his legs are also really strong and he is a good kicker!
He spends a lot of his awake time either under his jungle gym checking everything out,
doing tummy time, reading (or maybe just being read to), and doing some cuddling! He is focusing in on things now and follow moving objects, which then means going cross eyed sometimes too!
Focusing too hard & going cross eyed! |
It's so fun to watch him discover things! He also is grabbing (which he has been doing since birth) and holding on to things, he holds his ball and his birdie, oh and also my hair! Today for the first time he grabbed a chunk of my hair and wouldn't let go and pulled, so that was a fun first! :-P I love reading to him and showing him the pictures because he actually looks at the pictures!
Reading Transformers so he can watch all the movies with dad! |
During his half awake half asleep time he spends a lot of time going to the dog park with his brother Jaxon Bear and cousin Brodie! We also try to get out for lots of walks if the weather allows! The puppies have done so great with the adjustment of the new family member! Their was a short time in which I think Jaxon was feeling a little left out, so we have continued to make sure to include him on things with Z-man,
Cuddle time with Jaxon & Ezekiel! My fav! |
make special time for just him, and then try to keep a schedule that was close to our schedule before and get them both out to the dog park and out for walks. Overall it has been a pretty smooth transition!
Mike has taken on the daddy role so well!
Love all my boys! |
I knew he would be awesome daddy to our little man, because he has always been so good with kids, but he is even better with our little guy! I try to get Z's schedule to work out so he is awake when he comes home because I can tell that he misses him while he was at work. It just fills my heart with so much joy to see him love on our little boy! And I real feel like we are coming together as a team and this experience is continuing to strengthen our marriage, which I pray for everyday! I know that the trials and frustrations of parenthood can put a lot of strife on marriages so I am very thankful that we are doing well in that area. We also continue to try to make time for just us which we know is really important, though we haven't gotten out of the house yet just the 2 of us, but that will come in time!
Ezekiel James is such an amazing blessing from God to our family! We have been praying for sometime now for this little one and God has fulfilled all of our prayers and more! I just pray that I continue to grow into a mom fit to raise such an amazing child of God! Thankfully I am blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing women that are such wonderful mommies that I can learn from and also ladies that are about to be mommies and we can plow through this journey together!
One month down...that makes us experts...right! :-)
My big one month old boy! |
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