Remember this little guy! |
Take 1 |
Take 2 |
And 3rd times a charm! |
As you saw in his 3 month pictures he is bumbo-ing now! And he is a rockstar at it and he totally loves it and I do to! I put him in it and set him on the counter (even tho your not supposed to put them on elevated surfaces) in the kitchen and he watches me as I do stuff! So when I am cooking dinner, or doing dishes, ect I talk to him and tell him what I am doing (so he can take notes for his future chores)!
We are still a rockstar at tummy time! I am doing my best to be more diligent about doing it with him, as we were slacking for a while because his neck was so strong. But then it dawned on me that we need to do tummy time so we keep rolling over and learn to crawl! Duh, me! He is really enjoying it and is lasting longer and longer every day! He rolls over from his stomach to his back, but he doesn't do it very often, so I know we need to keep on doing our tummy time so we master it! Check out this video of Ezekiel doing tummy time on our YouTube link.
Things have been a bit rocky for us in the sleeping department, when he hit his 3 month growth spurt we went from sleeping through the night to waking up 4 times one night, 2 times a couple of nights, and once a night since :-( It's really not that bad, but I know he can sleep through the night because he did it for so long! But he does sleep for 6-8 hours at a time, so it's not like its every 2 or 4 hours or anything. Most moms that I talk to say that I should give him a bottle with some cereal in it, but I am unsure about it, so I am waiting to talk to his pediatritian on Tuesday and see what he says. They now say that its best for them to get breast milk up until 6 months and I read that they don't get full by the amount of calories that they intake, they get full by the volume that they intake. So if this is true, adding cereal to their last feeding really wouldn't do anything. Though I know there are many moms out there that would beg to differ. So we will see what the doc says and see how things go!
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Naptime with his new blanket that Great Grandma made him! |
And of course, his hands are in his mouth like crazy (so it's a good thing he perfected getting them in his mouth last month! Check out the early stages of him learning to do it and also chatting away!) and he is drooling like a faucet! And he has also been sucking on his thumb and actually finger lately too. He is taking after his mama with sucking on his finger, that's what I used to do, actually I used to suck on my finger upside down. He is such a happy baby, so when he is fussing it is always for a reason and when you meet his needs he is good to go and returns back to his happy little self!
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Finding our hands! |
We have had a fun time seeing family and friends over the past couple months as well! Great Uncle Mark came to visit again!
We get to see Darek, Steph, Tobiah, and Hunny quite a bit too.
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Zeke playing with Toby |
He is no longer coming to work with me, we have gotten so busy and he is awake more now so I just couldn't manage both anymore. So he hangs out either with, grandpa bear, grandma bear, or Auntie Steppy! I know for most moms its so hard to leave their babies to go back to work, but it was actually kind of a relief for me, because then I could just focus on work when I am there and not feel like I am short changing Zeke or my work responsibilites. And knowing he is in good and trusted hands is always helpful!
He also had his first trip to LifeTime on Wednesday, he had his workout gear on, his UnderArmer onsie, sweatpants, hoodie, and sneakers (socks that look like sneakers). He did really well! You can drop him off in the childcare area for 2 hours, they don't do diapers though, so they page you over the loud speaker if you need to come back. He made it an hour and 45 minutes and then was just in need of a diaper change, but I was done with my workout anyways, so it worked out perfect! It was so nice to get back into the gym!
Last weekend we had our first weekend away from our little man. We had a business conference in Louisville, KY to go to, so he stayed at Darek & Steph's house with Steph's parents, Dana and Kayla. They also graciously watched Jaxon Bear as well, so it was a super fun cousins weekend! So Dana and Kayla had both Tobes and Zeke and Hunny and Jaxon Bear (Brodie stayed at Mike's cousin Jeff's house), so they definitely stayed busy! It really was not as hard as I thought it would be to leave him (again I think knowing that he was in good hands was huge!), though by the time Sunday came, I was definitely so happy to see him again! It was really nice actually to have a weekend away, spend some quality time with Mike, we roomed with Darek & Steph, so it was fun to hang out with them and all of our other friends too! I know some moms may think that it was too early for me to leave him, but I would have to disagree! Like they always say, you miss your baby more than your baby misses you and I think it is important to keep up all the other areas of your life (which I have been working hard to do). Balance is key! I am a mom now and I absolutely love it, but I am also still a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, an employee, a business associate. I can't let all those other areas of my life diminish just because we had a baby. (Ok I am totally on my soapbox now!) Not to sound insensitive, but Ezekiel is a new, wonderful, and huge part of my life, but he is not my life. God is first in my life, then Mike, then our kidos. I know some people have that backwards, but if you make your kids your life then what do you have when they grow up and have their own life? Like I said I am still trying to find balance in this because it is easy to make them your world! And honestly, he is just as perfect and normal as he was before we left! Ok, I am done now!
He has also started doing this...we call it motorboat mouth! It's so cute, though its so messy because he spits all over himself when he does it! Guess I shouldn't complain, I am sure the messes will only get worse as he grows up! :-p
He still loves walks, being read to, watching football and baseball, and VeggieTales, being sang to, ect. His mohawk is starting to get thin :-( but his hair has continued to grow in since he has started to loose his hair, so I don't think he will ever be a bald baby. I feel like this is such a modge podge of info, but I am trying to get it done before another week...or month passes!!! He has his doctors appt on Tuesday, so I will post and update of his stats after that!
I will leave you with a few pics of Ezekiel discovering and playing outside in the leaves!
Blowing kisses good-bye! |
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