
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dada's turn!

(I had been asking Mike for some time now to write out his thoughts and experience with Ezekiel's birth. Obviously life has been quite crazy since that wonderful day, so it was taking a bit longer than I would of liked for him to complete it. A few months back I asked him one last time to do it for me and then dropped it. Then on Valentine's Day he presented me with a beautiful necklace of Ezekiel's birthstone and the following note! I am so blessed to be married to such an amazing man! He is such a 'Courageous' father, if you have seen the movie you know what I am talking about! He so badly wants to be a great father to Ezekiel and be the right example to him so he can grow up and make a difference in this world! In my opinion he is seriously tied (with my dad, of course) for the best dad out there!)

I wanted to write a blog post of what it has been like to be a father.  I know it will mean a lot to the most important girl in my life, MY WIFE!. 

I remeber the day Ezekiel was born just like it was yesterday.  Emily woke me up at 5 in the morning and said she thinks its time!  I remember just being excited the whole day.  Now when Zeke actually came out that was a crazy moment, one second I saw the tip of his head the next he was out and I was like "Wow, what just happened?".  We hadn't decided yet what we were going to name him, but after holding in my hands and lifting him up to the light like Lion King I knew what to name him.  (No, it actually didnt happen that way.)  The way it really happened was after they cleaned him up I has holding him in my hands looking at Gods awesome creation and I heard in my spirit, Ezekiel.  I told Emily and she confirmed the same thing so Ezekiel James Bemis it is!

Now what has the expereince been like?  Its been everything I wanted it to be and more!  People tell you, you don't know love until you get married and then till you have kids.  Well now I understand.  I can't describe to you how awesome it feels when I come home and I come around the corner and he smiles and does his quick laugh he does.  Now honestly I would have been happpy either way if we would of had a boy or girl, but I've been speaking as long as I can remember that I wanted I mini me.  Well I got it!  The dude is huge.  He got daddy's big legs so he will have a tough time finding pants that fit.  (Sorry buddy I feel your pain.)  I thought maybe he will be a quarterback, but with shoulders that wide, I think he is going to be a linebacker.  He is always happy and is easily distracted.  (I don't know where he gets the easily distracted part from.)  So what were talking about again?  Anyways, Its awesome having God bless you with such a gift.  I know each parent thinks the same.  I'm just excited to be that example for Ezekiel of how to be a Godly man and show him God put us on this earth for a purpose and a mission.  

I have to give a shout out to my wife. She has been an awesome mom.  She takes such good care of him and is always ready for the next step of his development.  I appreciate her toughing out the beginning process of breastfeeding to make sure it is as healthy as he can be.  I love that she tries to do everything as organic as she can, she even makes most of his baby food!

Now my two favorite things to do with Zeke are "Baby Rock Jet Packet" and laying on the floor and reading to him while my arms are wrapped around him.  "Baby Rocket Jet Packet" is when I walk up to him and make a rocket noise (which he immediatley starts to smile and flop him arms when he hears it) and then I pick him up and fly him around the house out in front of my body (good shoulder workout if any dads are looking for one).  He smiles and laughs and flops his arms as I fly him past mom, grandpa, and grandma.  He just loves it! When I am reading to him on the floor I just love to watch him analyze and learn; then he looks at me and it seems like his says "REALLY DADA?  Wow that's good!"

Being a dad is so much fun. On a side note being an uncle to Ellie, Carlie, Tessa and Tobiah is fun too, I wish I could see them more!  Its going to be fun to have Ezekiel and Toby grow up being best buds.

I also want to give a shout out to Grandpa and Grandma Bear.  They have helped us out so much.  We thank you so much and things wouldn't be the same without you.  You guys are such great examples for us as parents. 

I also want to give a shout out to my Mom. She passed away a couple years ago but she was such a great example of how to be a parent for us, and her legacy still lives on.

That's it for now.  More to come in the future.  More play times and more stories.

Ezekiel you are everything I wanted you to be!

Your Dada.

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