We now have a 2 year old in our home! Spare us the "terrible 2s" stuff, :-p we are going in with the attitude of "Terrific 2s" and will take care of the rest as it comes! :-)
Ezekiel James is such an amazing little boy and I know all parents say that (and they should!), but this little kid has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives. I can't soak in enough of his amazing spirit! As I have said before, I am not here to brag, I am here to update our family and friends and also to log his life and accomplishments as a form of a baby book! So with that...
What Ezekiel James is up to these days:
- He LOVES to be outside! Whether its going for a walk, to the park, playing in the yard; he just loves to be outside!
- He has the best little manners; makes this mama proud! I love when he says, "More (insert whatever he's asking for here), pease mama. (we give it to him) Kank you, mama." Love this kid!
- He is quite the talker and has a pretty impressive vocabulary! He will say pretty much anything that he hears, quite clearly at that!
- He is constantly asking, "What's that?" when he sees or hears something that he is unfamiliar with or "What you doing?" when we are doing something that he hasn't seen us do before.
- With that he then remembers what we tell him and then tells us the next time he comes across that object or event again!
- He knows a ton of animal noises.
- He knows all of his body parts, including random ones like his elbow and chin
- He can identify all of his upper and lower case letters and knows what sound a lot of them make!
- He can identity/read a few words that he learned from Word World, like pie, cake, rocket, and box.
- He has been so goofy lately, just running around in circles, laughing, and then he will run up to one of us and hug our legs! I know it seems so silly, but it just makes my day!
- He is pretty much obsessed with trucks and tractors of any shape or size! His favorite thing to do is to go for a walk to the highway and then watch all the trucks and tractors drive by! Mike has been teaching him the arm movement to get the trucks to honk, he gets SO excited!
- He also LOVES airplanes!!! He loved his first experience on an airplane, he kept on saying, "Weeeeeeeee!"
- He had his first blackeye this year! But you should of seen the other guy! ;-)
- He LOVES his cousin Ellie and his big bro Jaxon Bear!
- He takes the time to stop and smell the flowers and help water them!
- I love when he does this...when I get dressed up (aka not scrubs (work clothes), sweat pants, or workout clothes) and come out of our room he says, "Ooooh, mama...Prrrretty! Pretty!" Makes my day!
- He still loves to watch Word World and learns SO much from it!
- He is an expert at running our iPhones! He knows which folder his apps are in, he knows how to watch Word World or Mickey Mouse, or play Peak-a-boo pets, or just play music and specifically the songs that he likes! And I love that he listens (99% of the time) when we tell him "music only", which means no games or shows.
- He is the best little dancer! He gets all into it and dances to the beat, its so cute!
- He is OBSESSED with the carwash, he loves to talk about it, walk to it, he knows where it is, he knows cars get clean when they go through, he pretends boxes at home and carwashes and drives his trucks through, when anyone is not at home they are always at the carwash in his mind; but its so funny because he does NOT like going through the carwash in the himself!
- He loves all things FedEx, their trucks, airplanes, drop boxes!
- He loves all of his family and his buddies!
- He knows which way to go to different people's houses or to the different stores.
- He LOVES fruit snacks, toast with peanut butter, freeze dried peas, pizza, fruit, cheese, sauce (to dip different foods in)...umm really most any foods! Have you seen the kid recently? You don't get a body like that without eating frequently!
- He LOVES football! Whenever he sees a Vikings logo he points it out and then he will say, "Go, go, goooo Vikings! Go! Go!" And before he grew out of all of his Vikings clothes he would wear a Vikings shirt or sweatshirt 5 out of 7 days a week!
- He is starting the love baseball too, he will pretend he has a baseball bat and pretend to swing it!
- I love when he is in the other room playing and things get quite, I know he is in there reading books! He still loves to read!
- He loves to sing songs and knows the words to quite a few songs, I love hearing him sing them by himself! Its so sweet!
- He is best form of punishment is a good ol' timeout! And when one is necessary he is a changed little boy after he has one!
- He can count to 10 like nobody's business and to 20 for the most part, sometimes he may miss a number.
- He also knows the alphabet for the most part too!!!!
- He is becoming more and more cuddly and affectionate on his own!
Ezekiel James,
Your dada and I just want you to know that you are the most amazing and special little boy that this world has seen! You have such an amazing and joyful spirit! We promise (with God's help) to do everything that we know is best and right for you so you can grow up to be who God create you to be! Never stop being who you are as you make everyone's day a better when you cross their path because you are so caring of other people! We know we will make mistakes and get frustrated but we pray that God continues to grow us to become the best parents for you! Our family has been SO blessed by you, you have brought us so much joy! You made us dada and mama and to that we are forever grateful and blessed! We love you more than you will ever know!
Dada and Mama
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