After everything settled down they gave us an hour or so to spend some time together as a family and then we moved to our room that we would be staying in for the next couple of days. Then Ezekiel had his first visitors!
Proud Uncle Darek & Aunt Steph |
Then shortly after there was a knock at the door and it was...
Grandma Bear! She was so excited to see her little Ezekiel!
Grandma Bear seeing Ezekiel for the first time |
Grandma Bear and Ezekiel |
Then there was another knock at the door and it was Grandpa Bear!
Grandpa Bear and Ezekiel |
Proud Grand Bears |
Then our friends Marky Mark and Katie came to visit for a bit (we forgot to take pictures!) Then we called it a night and he slept for 4 hours! It was so nice to get some unexpected rest! On Wednesday we had a handful of visitors (which we forgot to take pictures of too), first was our friend Jodi and her kidos, Gabe and Addie, then another friend of ours Shawna, then Mike's Aunt Natalie and cousin Steph, and then my mom came later that night.
On Thursday all of the doctors came to see us and said we were all good to go home whenever we wanted to. We had one last set of visitors in the hospital, some awesome friends of ours Gary and Mary! We didn't know that they were coming and were so happy that they came to meet our little guy!
Gary and Mary and Ezekiel |
Then we all got ready to head out!
Z-Man all ready to go home in his Bear outfii |
On our way home we stopped by my work so the whole family could get adjusted (I work for a chiropractor), my midwife said that an adjustment would be the perfect remedy for my tailbone (which was still hurting to the point that I could barely sit). Once I got adjusted I was feeling 100% better, Mike got his adjustment, and then Ezekiel got his first adjustment! We were just a couple blocks from Mike's work so we swung by there quick to show off our little guy. When we got home Ezekiel got to meet his awesome big brother Jaxon Bear and his cousin Brodie!
Jaxon Bear and Ezekiel meeting for the first time |
The pups are doing great with the Zeke on scene. We are making sure to still give them a lot of attention and include them in on stuff with the baby too. Later that night we had the Foss family come to visit, then Uncle Darek and Aunt Steph, and then Grandma Bear. That night our little guy slept great, we pretty much had to wake him every 3-4 hours to eat! Praise God!
On Friday, Mike worked a half day so my mom came up in the afternoon to hang out with us. Then that night we went out for our first big outting! We went to Pottery Barn Kids at the Galleria and then Target! He did so great and just slept the whole time!
On our way to Pottery Barn Kids |
Looking so cute in his carseat! |
On Saturday we had Annette, Andy, & Moby Wind over to visit! Jaxon was so excited to see Moby again and tell him all about having a brother! Then my parents came up to spend the night, we went for a walk, and hung out.
On Sunday my we gave Ezekiel his first bath!
Then later on my Uncle Mark (my dad's brother) came up to visit and Darek and Steph came over too to celebrate Father's day! We grilled out and then we all walked to downtown Chaska to the ice cream shop for a yummy treat! The perfect first fathers day for Mike!
Then on Monday we headed down to my hometown of Waseca to have some newborn photos take by the awesome
Jennifer Nace. I have been following her work for a number of years and couldn't wait to be able to have her take some photos for us! She does such an a great job and has so much patience with these little ones! Especially our little guy, he was not cooperating for most of the time! But because she rocks so much we finally were able to get all the photos that she wanted to get! Here are a few sneek peak photos! I love them so much!
After our exhausting photo shoot, we headed to my parent's house where my grandma (my mom's mom) was waiting to meet her great grandson! We hung out for a bit and then my mom and I swung by the neighbors to say hi quick on our way out of town as my mom is coming up to stay with us for the next 2 weeks. Then that night Marky Mark and Katie and our friend Jamie came over to visit.
On Tuesday Ezekiel had his follow up pediatric appt. The doctor said he was doing beyond great and was a champion! They usually like to see newborns back to their birth weight by their TWO week appt and he was 8 pounds 1 ounce at his ONE week appt, which puts him 3 pounds over! So this means that without question he has the hang of the whole feeding thing! So the doctor said that since he is such a rockstar eater that we can just let him sleep as long as he wants and we don't have to wake him anymore to feed him. And more than likely what will happen is that he will sleep 5-6 hours at night and then during the day might go a couple stints where he wants to be fed every 2 hours. She said he will want to have between 7 & 12 feedings a day, but he will probably be closer to 7 or 8. So that night we did just that and he slept for 5 1/2 hours! It was wonderful! But before that we headed to church because there was a guest speaker there and Ezekiel did great he slept the whole time and then after he got to meet our good friends Dave and Carissa!
On Wednesday we layed low for the day and just hung out around the house! My mom and I put Ezekiel in the Moby wrap and took the puppies for a walk, he loved being in the Moby wrap! So glad that he liked it, it will be perfect to be able to take him places in, especially the dog park!
Then today we kind of just hung out around the house again. Though it was a big day for Ezekiel, he got his second bath and also his umbilical cord fell off! So we got to do tummy time on the boppy pillow for the first time!
Jaxon Bear joining in on tummy time! |
(he has been doing tummy time on daddy's chest up until now)
He has been such a rockstar at tummy time and lifting his head! He is continuing to sleep great all the time, he sure is making the transition into parenthood pretty easy for us! We truly are loving our expanded family, he is the perfect addition! And so darn cute too, maybe I'm biased! We are truly thanking God for our little miracle!