
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy 2 Week Birthday!

Can't believe that 2 weeks ago today our little boy joined the outside world for us all to hold and cuddle! The time has truly flown by, I can't believe it has already been 2 weeks. I can only imagine how quickly time will pass in the future, so I am trying to take it all in and appreciate all of the little things. Every little smile (even if they are just caused by gas), watching him see new things for the first time, laughing at his super loud and frequent toots, the amazing feeling of being able to settle him during his few moments of fussiness, and so on!

Today we had his 2 weeks doctors appt. He now weighs 8 pounds and 8 1/2 ounces and is 20 inches long! The doctor said that he is obviously eating very well and is growing like a champ! She asked if he continued with having long stretches of sleep at night and actually last night he had slept for 7-7 1/2 hours straight! She said that is perfect and just not to tell my friends (oops :-p)! She said as long as he is eating and growing like he is there is no problems with letting him sleep as long as he wants to! Though she said during the he may "cluster feed" which means he may want to feed every 2 hours, but as long as he averages a minimum of 7 feedings a day then we are good to go! She said I may feel like a milk machine during the day, but at least I am getting good sleep at night! She also said it looks like he possibly has a blocked tear duct in his eye, causing it to get kinda gross and mucusy and also it looks like he has a little yeast infection that was starting to form on his bottom. So she gave us some eye drops and "Magic Butt Cream" and they are both starting to clear up already! But even with those minor things effecting him he is still quite the content lil guy! He is such a little blessing!

As I mentioned in my last post my mom has been staying with us to help us out and to spend time with Zeke. It has been so nice having her here, she has been doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and making dinner! Not sure what I am going to do starting next week when I have to do it all myself! :-) I am sure I will eventually figure it all out!

Last night we made our first trek out to the dog park as a family! Mike had Ezekiel in the Baby Bjorn and he loved it, both of them! :-) It was a lot of fun to get out the dog park again and the puppies had a blast as usual and were able to burn off some steam, which was def in need! It was so great!

Sorry for the lack of pictures on this post! Here are a couple of random ones!

Zeke and his stylish doo!
Jaxon Bear doing some tummy time!

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