We are officially into single digits (of days!) and at the last week until my due date. I don't have too much to update babywise other than at my appt they said everything is continuing to look great! I am dilated to a 2-3 and 70% effaced. Thankfully the crazy hot weather did not effect me in a negative way at all, thank u Jesus! Other than that we just continue to play the waiting game, which I am still perfectly happy doing!
Belly Pic taken 6/5
Though we don't have much to share on the baby front I do have some other fun things to share. As I have read to keep the last couple of weeks going by fast you should continue to schedule stuff to do, even if you end up having to cancel them. So we have pretty much been doing that, along with getting things checked off our list of things to do!
So we all got our hair done! Even Brodie!Well, Jaxon just got a paw-dicure, which I am also getting today (or a pedicure)! Yay!
Brodie and his summer look! |
On Saturday we took the pups the the Minnehaha Dog Park (our first time venturing there)! It was such a blast! Tho the river was really high and it was pretty muddy we still had a blast! The pups just LOVED exploring the park and hiking through the trails. Brodie ran right into the water to cool off and then to our surprise Jaxon even joined him a couple of times! It was a beautiful day, so it felt SO good to get outside and get some sun shining on our faces! The pups totally crashed on the way home and slept all night, as I always say a tired pup is a happy pup!
Brodie swimming in the river |
Sunday we met up with our friends, Andy & Annette Wind and their pup, and one of Jaxon's best friends, Moby, for brunch. They are also expecting (in Julyish) so it was fun to meet up and catch up and compare stories and let the pups see each other. It's so fun going through this journey with other friends, tho we will soon be doing it from the other side of the world from each other as they are moving to Sweden in August. We are all bummed (especially Jaxon) but we are excited for them too because we know this is best for their family! We will now just have a new place to go and visit!
Jaxon sulking at the thought of losing his buddy Moby!
(Just kidding he is just soaking up the sun!) |
After that we went out for dinner to Burger Jones for my birthday (which was on Monday). Had a super yummy version of the White Trash Burger (a cheese burger with cheese curds on it)! YUM YUM! Just what a prego lady needs! LOL! Or maybe just wants! :-)
Steph & I waiting for our table at Burger Jones |
Monday was my birthday, which was pretty low key during the day, as I just went to work. But after, we had a baby shower with some friends for my sister-in-law Steph, which was a ton of fun! It was great to shower her and my nephew with lots of love and gifts!

Then on Tuesday I had my midwife appt and an extra long day at work of training our new staff. But then Mike had surprised me with tickets to see the Cirque De Soleil show Ovo that is in town right now! I was totally surprised and had no idea that he had this up his sleeve! We got to the show and found our seats, well I end up with a guy to my left, Mike to my right, and then another guy on the other side of him (all about the size of Mike). So to say we were a bit cramped was an understatement, so Mike asked the usher if we could move somewhere with an extra seat next to me. We got the super blessing and got moved to the 5th row! I call it the prego upgrade! ;-P We had people from the show flying over our heads and running around behind us, it was SO fun! It was such a great and fun night! Probably one of our last real date nights before our little guy comes, so I'm glad it was such a fun night to remember!
Ready for a fun night under the big top (don't worry they had AC) |
Then Wednesday night we just went for a walk, did some stuff around the house, and I rested! Last night unfortunately was not as fun as the week leading up to it has been. We headed down to my hometown, Waseca, for the visitation for a high school friend of mine. I found out on Monday that one of my friends that I was in colorguard with, Toni Huber, passed away in a motorcycle accident on Sunday. Though it has been a handful of years since I have seen her it is still really hitting me hard (maybe its the hormones) and last night at the visitation was no exception, I was a mess! Toni was such a wonderful friend and I loved her dearly though we definitely had our fair share of battles! :-) For those that have never experienced the life of a Waseca Marching Jay (I know a bit corny here) and more specifically the life of a colorguard member, we pretty much become a family by the end of the season! And as families do we loved each other through thick and thin and Toni and I definitely had a lot of both! Looking back on it now I just laugh, but we used to be able to push each others buttons all too well! But in the end we loved each other so much! It has been so neat to see my colorguard girls come together over the past week to provide love and support for the family. It totally brings me back to the days of high school when we were always there for each other and so nice to know that we haven't lost that! It just makes me so proud to be apart of such a wonderful group of ladies and even though a lot time has passed since we have spent that time together the love for each other has not changed. ***Super corny warning*** I guess that's why our song for marching band was "Friends are friends forever" by Michael W. Smith. Though it is unfortunate that it takes such not fun circumstance, but it was so nice to see a handful of the girls last night. This is just a reminder as always to live each day to its fullest because you never know when it is your last and hug your loved ones extra long!
I read a quote yesterday that said "What if you only woke up today with what you thanked God for yesterday?"
We love you all! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers for our little guy and our family during these exciting times! We know that because of people like you in his life he will grow up to be an amazing man that will do awesome things with his life!
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