
Monday, December 12, 2011

Mary, did you know?

The other day I was riding in the car with Mike and Zeke and we were listening to Christmas music. The song "Mary, did you know?" came on the radio. As I was singing along to the song, a song that I have heard so many times in my life, I really began to pay attention to the words and I truly had a whole new understanding for the song. And it took everything in me to not turn into a blubbering emotional mess.

Think back with me, to over 2000 years ago, to the town of Bethlehem and a little stable behind a full hotel. As Mary holds her brand new miracle of a baby boy, do you think that she truly understood all that he mean to the world? She obviously knew that he was the Messiah, so I am sure she figured he would do some pretty neat things in his lifetime, but do you think in that moment when she first held her baby boy and looked into his eyes that she had any idea?

That thought just brings me to tears! I have often looked into Ezekiel's eyes and wondered what amazing things he will do with his life! Obviously, it won't be quite the impact that Jesus had on the world, as he is not the Messiah (but darn close, if you ask me :-p)! Everyday we pray over Ezekiel and speak amazing things into his life and we do our best not to limit God, because only He truly knows what Ezekiel's future holds! I know we say he will be an NFL quarterback (which has now has more than likely changed to a line backer, because well...have you seen the kid's legs?) but we know he will follow the path that God has placed before him!

I just pray everyday that I can continue to grow and evolve into the mother that I need to be to raise him to become the man that God needs him to be! I know it is going to be a lot of work and some days it will (and already has been) just down right tough, but when I look into that little boy's eyes, it just makes it all worth it! And I get up and continue to fight on to do the best for him that I can!

Ezekiel James you are AMAZING!

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