
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Caution: Bump Ahead

The bump has finally made it's appearance and isn't going anywhere anytime soon! I apologize for the lame picture, but I decided that I just had to get the job done, so I did it myself with my cell phone! It is a rare time that Mike & I are home at the same time when we haven't just been at the gym or when I am sleeping! :-p So since I got to work early today (which never happens!) I quick snapped a pic of my belly. (Hence the sleepy eyes, it was 7 am!)
22 1/2 Weeks

It is definitely starting to get in the way more now, I tend to forget its there knee myself in the stomach when I am putting on my socks and shoes. I'm sure our lil guy (who is about a pound now) appreciates that! Good thing he is nicely padded in there!  I am also starting to get asked by people if I am pregnant, mostly the patients at my work that the word hasn't traveled to yet. I think it would be funny to make them panic a little bit and say no, but I'm not that mean and don't think I could stay it with a straight face!

Also, on Monday I got my first experience with a random person rubbing my belly (well it wasn't a random person, it was one of my co-workers, but we aren't that close). I was truly surprised by how bothered I was by it! LOL! I have had my close friends and family touch my belly and I honestly and truly didn't mind that at all and I love that they want to love on our baby! It may of just been too that I was having an off day as it was a really busy day at work! But I hear its something to get used to because complete strangers will do it to you (which I find so odd!). Then again it may just be odd to me because I am not a big touchy feely type of person, other than with my family and friends. The interesting times of being pregnant! :-)


  1. When I was pregnant, even family members had to ask before they touched my belly. It is a really weird thing that people seem to think just because you now have a baby bump growing, your belly is open for rubbing! :)

    You look really cute, by the way! :)

  2. Yay!!! You finally popped out!! Aww how cute lady!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks Kami! Yeah I agree, it is really weird that people think its an ok thing to do!

    Katherine, u r so funny! I was kinda wondering who that post was from and didn't know if it was rude to ask! lol! Thanks! and I have most def popped!
