
Thursday, March 17, 2011

27 weeks down - 13ish to go!

I am (as of tomorrow) into my 27th week of prego-ness! Which means only 13ish weeks to go! I wonder if these last 13 weeks will fly by like the very first 13 weeks did. It's crazy to think back to that point, so much has changed since then! Thank God! At that point my weight was going in the wrong direction as was my food most of the time (sorry for the visual), only a handful of people knew of our little bundle of joy, I was still able to get a pretty solid nights rest, I could feel him move a little and it was just like tiny butterfly flutters, and the snow was starting to fall by the truck loads! Now my weight is probably going too far in the right direction :-p along with my consumption of food, we know we are having boy and are celebrating that with everyone, I don't sleep much between the hours of 4 am & 7 am, I am feeling major movements from kicks to entire flips and Mike has gotten to feel him move a lot too, and best of all (at least for today) the snow is melting away by the inches! Yay! I am sitting here at work :-) with the window open enjoying the fresh air! I love it! I am so ready for sandals, dresses, taking Jaxon for long walks outside, having the window open while we sleep...ahhh so wonderful! I love spring!

While at work yesterday I noticed that I was wearing "the" belly pic sotra outfit, so I figured why not keep going with it and take another one just like the others! So here it is, with the same apologies as always!

That belly there is certainly getting out there! I find that I can no longer squeeze past people in tight places and also trying to get out of bed has proven to be quite the task! Lol! Between getting untangled from the covers, past all my pillows, try not to disrupt Mike, and not smoosh Jaxon it is quite the ordeal!

The weekly e-mails that I get say that "Ducky" or "baby that wishes to remain nameless" is about 2 pounds now or the size of a small pot roast! So the next time you are cooking a pot roast you can think of our baby! :-D And I now have to go, I think this little guy is practicing his punts on my bladder! :-)

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