
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Midwife Appt Update

Sorry that I have been a slacker here! There are so many different things that I want to blog about but life has just hit overdrive in the past week or so! It always seems like Spring time brings a ton of events and this year is no exception and we are adding to the normal mix preparing for our little one! Hopefully this week I will be able to do a few posts, but for now I will just do a quick update and catch yall up on my most recent midwife appt.

So I had my 28ish week appt last Tuesday, which also happened to be my test for gestational diabetes. Fun! I was kind of questioning if I had a choice or not on having the test done as I consider myself to be a pretty healthy person and also because I didn't fall into any of the categories that make you high risk. Those categories being: gaining a lot of weight in you first trimester (I did not and actually lost 5), if you have high blood pressure (have always had low blood pressure), being overweight before getting pregnant (my BMI was considered normal), if you have sugar in your urine (I never have), if there is a history of gestational diabetes in the family (my mom never had it with my brother or I), if you are over the age of 35 (which I am not), if you do not exercise (which I do), and if you fall into the ethnic groups that are considered high risk (which I do not). But I figured I would just do it to be safe and because I have heard of people that would probably consider themselves in the same category as myself that end up having it.

So at my 24 week visit they gave me a choice between 3 different flavors of gross sugary juices, I chose the fruit punch flavor. I followed all my directions and drank it an hour before my appt and arrived on time so they could do my finger prick exactly an hour after I finished it. Funny thing about the finger prick, I held out my  right pointer finger for her to prick it and she said, "oh we use the middle finger because its the finger that is used less so it doesn't bother you as much" and she grabbed my middle finger and stuck it before I could say anything. Well the thing is (call me weird) I actually use my middle finger the most rather than my pointer finger. Not sure why, but its what I have always been. Ask my mom, she said she tried to teach me to use my pointer instead when I was little and I would still use my middle finger. So then in the words of Elf, "my finger had a heart beat!" And obviously it wasn't that big of a deal and I just had to laugh!

So my midwife also said that I am officially in my 3rd trimester! Wooo hooo! Which means now I get to visit her every 2 weeks now rather than every four weeks. She listened to our little guy's heart beat and it was at 150, which she said is good and she also said that his heart beat has been 150 every time they have recorded it except for the very first time. So I take that as our little guy has a good, strong, consistent, healthy, perfect heart! She also measured me this time and she said for how many weeks I am I should measure that many centimeters and I was exactly on! I find that amazing, it's so cool the see all the ways that God works, even down to the littlest things! They also checked my iron levels when they did the finger prick and said that they were great, also she said my weight is right on, my blood pressure is good, and my exercise regimen is beyond great! So I'd say we are good! :-)

So happy and blessed to be having a happy healthy baby!

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